How to Use hydrogen bomb in a Sentence
hydrogen bomb
There was a month in Spain to tell the tale of a missing hydrogen bomb.
—Jim Buchta, Star Tribune, 25 Aug. 2020
Is the not-sunrise the sort Coleridge might have seen through an opium haze, or a thing far worse, like a hydrogen bomb?
—New York Times, 18 Feb. 2020
The test came less than two weeks after testing a hydrogen bomb.
—Gabrielle Banks, Houston Chronicle, 19 Feb. 2018
Within a few years, both the U.S. and the Soviet Union had tested hydrogen bombs.
—Charles Thorpe, Fortune, 1 Aug. 2023
Nuclear fusion drives the sun and stars, and hydrogen bombs.
—Hiawatha Bray,, 9 Mar. 2018
In 1953, it was set to two minutes to the hour when the Soviet Union and the United States tested hydrogen bombs and kicked off the nuclear arms race.
—Marlena Scott, Teen Vogue, 9 Feb. 2018
Starting in 1952, the United States blew up hydrogen bombs around the Marshall Islands.
—Neima Jahromi, The New Yorker, 27 Dec. 2019
Last year, the group moved the hands on the symbolic clock to two-and-a-half minutes from midnight, the closest it's been to midnight since 1953, when the hydrogen bomb was first tested.
—Editors, USA TODAY, 25 Jan. 2018
The hydrogen bomb really is like the genie which escaped from the bottle.
—Paul Kennedy, WSJ, 31 Jan. 2020
On Sunday, Kim Jong-Un said the country had tested a hydrogen bomb that could be attached to a missile.
—Marco Santana,, 6 Sep. 2017
In 1953, the Soviet Union had just tested its first hydrogen bomb.
—Elizabeth Horkley, Quartz, 30 Oct. 2019
The country is believed to have around twenty fission bombs and to be progressing along the path to a much larger hydrogen bomb.
—The New York Review of Books, 18 Apr. 2019
This atoll, home to hundreds of people, was where scientists first tested the hydrogen bomb in 1952.
—Hart Rapaport, Scientific American, 4 Apr. 2022
One of the great polymaths of the 20th century, father of the computer, one of the inventors of the hydrogen bomb, the creator of game theory.
—Maria Konnikova, Wired, 23 June 2020
Much of Oppenheimer’s life after Los Alamos had to do with the question of whether to develop the hydrogen bomb.
—Charles Seife, Scientific American, 2 Aug. 2023
If Oppenheimer had reservations about the atomic bomb, he was driven to despair over the prospect of the hydrogen bomb, or, as it was called then, the Super.
—Chris Vognar, Los Angeles Times, 13 Feb. 2024
The great physicist saved the world only to usher in a more dangerous world of deadlier hydrogen bombs.
—Peter Rainer, The Christian Science Monitor, 21 July 2023
In 1953, the Soviet Union conducted a secret test of its first hydrogen bomb.
—, 12 Aug. 2020
The previous resident of their house was a rocket topped with a four-megaton hydrogen bomb.
—James A. Fussell, Kansas City Star, 31 Jan. 2024
After Moscow tested a hydrogen bomb and war broke out on the Korean peninsula, the Cold War hit full stride.
—James D. Hornfischer, WSJ, 3 May 2018
Benny Safdie, who plays Edward Teller (now known as the father of the hydrogen bomb), studied nuclear physics in high school.
—Bilge Ebiri, Vulture, 10 Mar. 2024
The clock is now set at two minutes to midnight, the closest since 1953, when the US took the decision to upgrade its nuclear arsenal with the hydrogen bomb.
—Stephen A. Crockett Jr., The Root, 25 Jan. 2018
North Korea threatened to test a hydrogen bomb in response to President Trump’s pledge of new sanctions.
—Maggie Day,, 22 Sep. 2017
Able and Baker, however, were minor compared the hydrogen bomb tests conducted at the site later in the 1950s.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 11 Dec. 2019
The Russian state nuclear agency Rosatom has released 59-year-old video footage of the world’s largest hydrogen bomb being tested.
—oregonlive, 28 Aug. 2020
During Trump’s first year in office, Kim raced ahead with breakthrough tests of a hydrogen bomb and missiles capable of hitting the US mainland.
—Jane Perlez,, 28 Mar. 2018
On September 3rd Mrs Ri was back, claiming the regime had tested a hydrogen bomb (see article).
—The Economist, 7 Sep. 2017
The Hiroshima atomic bomb caused such a firestorm, but today’s hydrogen bombs are much more powerful.
—Max Tegmark, Time, 29 June 2023
On this day in 1953: The Soviet Union detonated its first hydrogen bomb, in Kazakhstan.
—The Arizona Republic, 12 Aug. 2024
In a hydrogen bomb, force is generated when a small fission bomb explodes, compressing a core of hydrogen.
—Jon Brodkin, Ars Technica, 9 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'hydrogen bomb.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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